Bachelor of Business
Administration in General Business

Our B.B.A. in General Business Generates Tangible Results

The School of Management, Marketing, and Business Administration within the College of Business and Aviation offers a Bachelor of Business Administration in General Business. The general business program introduces students to foundational knowledge in the various aspects of business, including how these aspects interact to contribute to a successful organization. Students learn a broad and generalized perspective about business functions and operations. With 24 hours of business electives in the curriculum, the program allows students the most flexibility to customize their degree and take courses for the specialized field they wish to pursue as a career. General Business Administration majors dominate lists of the most in-demand majors. This program is the largest enrolled-degree program within the School of Management, Marketing, and Business Administration, and can prepare you for a rewarding career.


Online or On-campus Option


Program-specific Scholarships


Student-Faculty Ratio

Why Choose General Business at DSU?

Two students on the front row of a full classroom, each with a hand raised to answer a question.

Students who major in general business are equipped with valuable and transferable skill sets that can be utilized across multiple fields, such as problem-solving, communication, analytical skills, and teamwork. General business students have a holistic perspective of business, an understanding of each aspect of business, and the flexibility to transition between business roles and functions throughout their career. This translates to higher demand as employees, and higher earning potential. It allows graduates the flexibility to be the architect of their own career path by being able to move between roles, with the skills necessary to thrive in any position. And for the entrepreneur, this program gives you the tools to see your small business vision become a reality.

  • A customizable course of study
  • Experiential hands-on learning
  • A broad perspective on business
  • Current event discussions
  • Professional networking opportunities
  • Multiple employment opportunities
ACBSP Accredited Badge
Kaine Wilson, BBA General Business major

I chose the general business program at DSU to be surrounded by those who have a similar mindset to me and to help me be better prepared for my life outside of school dealing with any type of work I choose to do.

Kaine Wilson, BBA in General Business majorClass of 2023

Concentrations in General Business

A front row of six students in a classroom taking notes on laptops and on paper.

General Business Administration

Our General Business concentration offers a degree that covers a wide range of topics related to business, such as accounting, finance, marketing, and management. The general business concentration offers in-depth courses from all the business disciplines. General business degrees can be a good choice for students who are not sure what specific area of business they want to pursue, or who want to have a well-rounded education in business. They can also be a good choice for students who want to be able to work in a variety of different business settings.

A students hand writing with a mechanical pencil on a handout given out during class.


Our Entrepreneurship concentration provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to start and run their own businesses. This concentration prepares students in areas such as business planning, marketing, finance, management, business law, and accounting. Our entrepreneurship students obtain hands-on learning experiences, such as pitch competitions, and have the ability to participate in internships. An entrepreneurship concentration also prepares students for “intrapreneurship” which is when employees act entrepreneurial within an organization (i.e. innovative thinking).

If you are interested in starting your own business or pursuing innovation within an industry, the entrepreneurship concentration can be a great way to get started.

Student sitting at a desk completing assignment during class, with another six students behind him also at desks completing the assignment.


Our Agri-business concentration is designed to prepare students for careers in the agricultural industry. Our program covers a wide range of topics, including project management, environmental regulation, economic botany, human resource management, strategic management, and more. You will develop strong leadership and problem-solving skills and a well-rounded foundation in business that will prepare you for a variety of careers in the agricultural industry, such as farm manager, agricultural economist, farm equipment manufacturing and sales, farming operations, and agricultural marketer.

Delta State also offers a more science-focused agri-business concentration, through the B.S. in Environmental Science.

What Can I Do With a B.B.A. in General Business?

A Delta State graduate with a B.B.A. degree in General Business confidently enters the workforce, skilled and equipped in real-world business situations. The Bachelor’s program in General Business will prepare you for the wide range of career opportunities available to you in today’s business world. The curriculum in not specialized in one particular area. The program is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills from a broad perspective.

  • Accountant
  • Financial analyst
  • Marketing manager
  • Human resources manager
  • Operations manager
  • Customer service coordinator
  • Sales/Marketing associate
  • Entrepreneur
  • Office manager
  • Store manager
  • Farm manager
  • Agricultural economist

Business Scholarships

The College of Business and Aviation offers a variety of scholarships to students, many of which are based on merit, academic concentration, leadership, and other qualifying factors. There are over 20 scholarships for management majors. Students may also be eligible for non-program specific scholarship opportunities.

Program Goals

The general business program is designed for students to learn to analyze business situations using qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, evaluate and make recommendations based on the results of qualitative and quantitative analysis, effectively communicate in written and oral formats, and prepare a business plan.

Admission Requirements

Applicants of this program must meet Delta State University’s undergraduate admission requirements.

There are no additional program admission requirements.


The following courses are required to complete a major/concentration in General Business.

General Business

Courses Credits
Approved Business Electives


Course Number and Course Title Credits
CIS 235: Microcomputer Applications II 3
FIN 302: Small Business Finance 3
FIN 310: Risk and Insurance 3
FIN 403: Working Capital Management 3
MGT 370: Entrepreneurship, or
MKT 370: Entrepreneurship
MGT 484: Organizational Behavior 3
MKT 321: Professional Selling 3
MKT 330: Promotional Strategies, or
MKT 435: Social Media Marketing


Course Number Course Title Credits
CIS 351 Project Management 3
CIS 331 Systems Analysis and Design 3
CIS 475 E-Commerce Application Development 3
BIO 123 Foundations of Environmental Science 3
BIO 309 Environmental Regulations 3
BIO 404 Economic Botany 4
BIO 410 Plant Anatomy 4
BIO 415 Materials and Methods in Environmental Science 4
GIS 202 Introduction to GIS 3

Degree Requirements

To earn this degree, you must successfully complete at least 120 credits, including your general education requirements and the major requirements below. You must also earn a grade point average of at least 2.0 in the major field overall and successfully complete the Senior Capstone project.

General Education 39-41
University Requirement 1
Special Degree Requirements 6
Business Core 42
Major 24-30
Electives 0-8

For more information on degree requirements and specifics on courses needed to complete the degree, consult the Undergraduate Academic Catalog. For a semester-by-semester breakdown on how you can complete this degree in 4-years, visit academic maps.

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